Bionetic Customer Reviews
Richard Herman
“I noticed that after dyeing my hair became dry and lifeless. They also almost stopped growing. Then I looked for a stimulator and chose Bionetic. I found out that this product performs 2 actions at once - it cares for and accelerates the growth of strands. Within a month I was able to eliminate previous problems and improve the condition of my hair. Now they don’t get tangled, don’t fall out, they grow by 7 cm in 1 month. It’s a good product, I recommend it.”
Hugh Cartwright
“I wanted to eliminate the signs of incipient alopecia, and I couldn’t find a better option than Bionetic. Firstly, I was attracted by the presence of a natural composition; secondly, I liked the price, which I consider acceptable. A positive result was noticeable after just 1 week of using the concentrate: the hair became shinier and smoother. In 30 days we managed to make the strands thicker and stop hair loss. It’s good that I found this remedy.”

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Clement Goldner
“I found out about the Bionetic product by chance - there are a lot of positive reviews about this product, so I became interested in this option for improving hair. I applied the drug strictly according to the instructions and took the course very responsibly. The product turned out to be what I needed: it made my hair thicker, added volume, and stopped the process of graying. And all these effects were achieved in just 4 weeks.”
Louisa Wuckert
“They gave me Bionetic spray - I consider such a gift useful, and in my case, very necessary. The thing is that my hair was falling out a lot. Within a few months, volume dropped by about 25%. But when I started using Bionetic, the situation changed dramatically. The strands became shiny, elastic, and more well-groomed. This had a positive effect on appearance. I continued the course, and after a month I was pleasantly surprised by the result - I had a lot of new hairs, I had something to create a hairstyle from - not like before.”
Ahmed Tromp
“Due to stress, my hair fell out in clumps. I went to see a doctor, he recommended Bionetic and explained how to use this spray. The specialist said that the course needed to be completed in full, so I did so. I used the spray for exactly a month, but I noticed an improvement much earlier - about 1.5 weeks from the start of therapy. Now everything is fine with me - my hair has become thick and long, baldness has been eliminated and I am happy that such a drug exists.”
Tristian Dillon
Elsa Farrell
Tessa Trujillo
Melina Newton
Elaina Wells